If you've been following me since I started coaching last year, you know how much it has changed my life! I've been able to retire from teaching and stay home with our four children. My hope is to pay it forward and show others how they can also take control of their lives and start living a life by their design.
Coaching is much more than supporting people on their health and fitness journeys. It's daily personal development, committing to your own health and fitness, helping your team reach THEIR goals, dropping old beliefs about yourself so that you can shine and share your unique gifts with world, and taking responsibility for and control of your life. Where you are right now is a result of the choices you have made. Do you wish you were somewhere else? Do you know there must be something more to life than a 9-5 and working towards your boss's dreams instead of your own? There IS another way…working hard to create your life, not living reactively to your circumstances, but CREATING your circumstances!
I challenge you to think outside the box and imagine a different way to earn a living while sharing your own unique gifts and helping others. You can have the financial and time freedom to do what you want to do - to spend more time with family, to travel, to follow your passion.
I am starting a new 30 day coach training program on 9/8 and will personally mentor 10 people who are ready to commit to changing their lives. My team is ranked in the top 1% of had huge growth on our team in the past month and I already have 5 new coaches who are ready to go for this new group. If you'd like one of the 5 spots please apply. You must sign up by 9/1 to start on 9/8. This is a life changer if you are willing to take full advantage of it. Our Team Believe is like family and we will support anyone who jumps in and goes for it!
Coaching is much more than supporting people on their health and fitness journeys. It's daily personal development, committing to your own health and fitness, helping your team reach THEIR goals, dropping old beliefs about yourself so that you can shine and share your unique gifts with world, and taking responsibility for and control of your life. Where you are right now is a result of the choices you have made. Do you wish you were somewhere else? Do you know there must be something more to life than a 9-5 and working towards your boss's dreams instead of your own? There IS another way…working hard to create your life, not living reactively to your circumstances, but CREATING your circumstances!
I challenge you to think outside the box and imagine a different way to earn a living while sharing your own unique gifts and helping others. You can have the financial and time freedom to do what you want to do - to spend more time with family, to travel, to follow your passion.
I am starting a new 30 day coach training program on 9/8 and will personally mentor 10 people who are ready to commit to changing their lives. My team is ranked in the top 1% of had huge growth on our team in the past month and I already have 5 new coaches who are ready to go for this new group. If you'd like one of the 5 spots please apply. You must sign up by 9/1 to start on 9/8. This is a life changer if you are willing to take full advantage of it. Our Team Believe is like family and we will support anyone who jumps in and goes for it!
See my coaching story here and how it has completely changed my life and the future of our family. It is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made and I want to show you how to take control of your life and live a life by YOUR design - not someone else's.
If you'd like to learn more before jumping in, read more here or email me to join our 5 Day Coaching Open House to learn about what we do. If you're ready to take the LEAP of faith and work hard for the life you want, fill out this application now and email me to tell me you're ALL IN!