Sunday, June 14, 2015

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!  

Eating healthy on a budget may often feel like an impossible challenge when you start walking through the grocery store. You look at the cost of healthy food, and start to wonder whether or not it’s really worth it. It is worth it, and YOU can eat healthy on a budget. You can fill your shopping cart with food that will fuel your mind and body without breaking the bank. The trick is to know how to do it.

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.
  1. Have vegetarian days. Reduce the amount of meat you’re eating. When you reduce your meat consumption, you also reduce the amount of money that you’re spending, which in turn frees up funds in your budget for other healthy choices.
  1. Don’t buy pre-packaged food if you can avoid it. The healthiest nutrition is one that consists of natural, whole foods that have been acquired in their original state. That “fat free” or “low fat” packaged foods might be tempting, but they are packed full of artificial colors and flavors, not to mention being high in sodium and high in chemical compositions that you cannot even pronounce. You will be surprised by the budget difference when you pick up the individual ingredients for your favorite healthy treats instead of buying them ready-made for you. A good example is a container of hummus that costs around $4 can be made from a can of low-sodium beans ($1) and a handful of other ingredients that you may already have sitting around your home. Ready-to-serve oatmeal packets cost twice as much per serving than if you buy a big canister of oatmeal and sweeten it with honey. Plus it is just flat out healthier for you.
  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables will actually help you feel full longer, which means that you’ll be less likely to come back and snack later. By adding fruits and vegetables to your nutrition, you not only decrease the amount that you’re eating, you also substantially increase your consumption of healthy nutrients that your body needs to function at its optimal level.
  1. Explore alternative sources of protein. Try out nut butters, beans, and Tempeh for healthier alternatives to eating large amounts of meat. Beans and Tempeh, in particular, are much less expensive but still have great nutritional benefits.
There are plenty of ways to stay within your budge and eat healthy. These are just a few strategies you can use to reduce your total at the grocery store.
No time for breakfast?  Check out 101 Healthy Nutritious Shake Recipes!325 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

Most of us tend to think that if we eat three balanced meals everyday, our diet is taken care of.  However, it’s easy for unhealthy foods to creep in while you’re snacking.  Let’s say you eat breakfast before you leave home at about eight o’clock.  You’re not going to have lunch until at least one, maybe even two if you get caught up in work.  That’s nearly five or six hours during which your body will need some sustenance.  Most of us just end up taking a trip to the vending machine but how long are you going to feed yourself chips and candy before your body starts to rebel, in terms of digestive problems as well as gaining weight?  Instead, it’s a good idea to pack two healthy snacks per day, one for that mid-morning meal and another for the mid-afternoon.  Here are Five Healthy Snacks For Work that won’t be difficult to carry:

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

  1. An Apple and a Tablespoon of Almond Butter.  You can store a jar of almond butter at work and carry an apple with you.  Make sure you also keep a knife at work so that you can slice the apple and spread the almond butter when you feel hungry.  And store the almond butter in a dry area.  An apple contains 116 calories and one tablespoon of almond butter contains 102 calories.  So this is a pretty low-calorie snack containing approximately 200 calories.
  2. Whole Wheat Pita Bread and Hummus.  If you’re in the mood for more carbs and less fruits or vegetables, you can go with whole wheat pita bread and hummus.  Whole Livingrecommends this as one of the best snacks to take to work, as it comes up to about 187 calories per serving.  If you like cooking, you can even make up a batch of hummus and then eat it for 3-4 days.  Store both items in your work refrigerator and enjoy whenever you need a boost.
  3. Whole Grain Cereal with Berries.  This is another thing it would be easy to store at work.  Just pick up a box of whole grain cereal, a box of berries and some skim milk on your way to work.  Store the perishables in your work refrigerator and the whole grain cereal in a dry place.  This gives you a lot of fiber and a little bit of sugar for a much needed pick me up.
  4. Energy Bar.  This is one you have to really be careful with… You can use store bought energy bars, but as always you would be better off creating your own. Here is a quick and easy Homemade Energy Bar Recipe. If you don’t have time to make homemade bars, then here is what to look for when purchasing store bought bars. It is suggested that you look for bars that have more than 8 grams of protein per serving.  You also want to look for bars that have 3-4 grams of fiber per serving, 10 grams or less sugar, and stay away from artificial sweeteners like Sucralose, or maltodextrin.  The advantage of nutrition bars is that they are easy to transport.  However if you are using nutritional bars you do not want to rely solely on them as your snacks. You want to make sure that at least one of your daily snacks contains fruits or veggies.
  5. Meal Replacement Shake.  For an easy snack which requires no preparation, you can try a meal replacement shake such as Shakeology.  Store these at work and grab one mid-morning for a filling, nutritious, tasty snack.  You’ll end up feeling energized all day long.  Or if you opt to drink one in the afternoon instead, it’ll help you shake off that afternoon lethargy.  There are many delicious shake recipes as well, that are easy-to-make.  Surveys show that shakes such as Shakeology make people feel healthier, improve their regularity and increase their energy levels.!325